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How I launch any program on my PC in seconds

Ever since about 6 months ago I started experimenting with setting keyboard shortcuts on Windows. That leads up to today when I have my most efficient PC setup I've ever had and today I will share how to set it up with you.

The setup is as easy as it can be and it can be set up in less than 15 minutes, but it can make your usage of the PC more effective and easier forever! :D


Tags: Windows OS, AutoHotkey

How host a static SvelteKit website for free

Because of this website I now have lots of experience with static SvelteKit webpages.

And that is why I want to teach you how you too can create a nice static SvelteKit website - just like this one! :).

For this tutorial you will need Node.js and npm. You will also need a GitHub account, for the free hosting it provides to static websites.


Tags: SvelteKit, GitHub