My recent projects

... and the lessons learned from them

Various PIC projects

In this school project I was programming five projects and a menu using the PIC18F46K22 microcontroller in C.

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Tech: C, PIC microcontrollers

This website

I wrote this website myself using sveltekit. It is a static single page application that makes use of a lot of web-dev frameworks and GitHub Pages.

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Tech: SvelteKit, GitHub Pages

Automatic window

This window prototype opens and closes based on weather forecasts, temperature or if it is time to ventilate your room.

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Tech: Arduino, Motor control shield

PiHole application

This is a network-wide ad blocker that uses a Raspberry Pi clone to block ads and malicious links on all devices connected to my home network.

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Tech: Linux, Raspberry Pi

Stock spreadsheet

This spreadsheet imports 8 tables of financial data about a given stock into one worksheet and uses functions to calculate value investing criteria.

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Tech: Excel VBA

Vest with LEDs

My favourite hardware project. It included six LEDs soldered to cables connected to one Arduino Uno, powered by a 9V battery.

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Tech: Arduino