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Vest with LEDs

My favourite hardware project. It included six LEDs soldered to cables connected to one Arduino Uno, powered by a 9V battery.

systemancer logo

Tech: Arduino

Lessons learned:

  1. Working with an arduino LED library.
  2. My first big soldering project.
  3. Using PWM pins to connect LEDs.
  4. Next time I will solder the cables to the arduino. Not superglue them to the pins.


I've created this vest for the Cybertown event to look like a proper cyberpunk.

I had no idea what I was doing - this was my first hardware project ever. One thing about being an engineer though, is you realise you can figure lots of stuff out if you think hard.

The code itself is pretty simple - just initialise the LED pins, set up the animation and run it.

Arduino wasn't the best platform for this, because if I had just bought a LED strip on aliexpress, it would be easier to do and it would last longer. Arduino 9V battery lasted me until the evening of the first day of the event.